Livefish Communications


: :  campaign to counteract negative public opinion surrounding a controversial health supplement ingredient

: :  classification system, multilingual communication tools and database structure to communicate worldwide the works of a Florentine master painter

: :  repositioning of the brand of a rapidly growing service agency to communicate integrated capabilities across diverse sectors

Digital Media

Development, Refinement
& Marketing

Web Search Positioning

Increasing Targeted Traffic



Livefish helps clients create and manage digital tools that directly impact their communication and business objectives.

We help clients get beyond the technology of digital media to focus on new ways of expanding the dialog and interactions with their audiences. We help move services online and automate operations that unnecessarily consume valuable staff resources;we help facilitate membership, enrollment and fundraising, and other informational and financial transactions.

To further amplify our clients' returns from digital media investments, we also provide a specialized expertise for attracting more of target audiences to their sites.

Our Role. Our digital media communications role varies with each client and can include: program assessments, strategy and concept development, information architecture, content creation, interface design, technical development or management of existing development resources, user-testing and research, online marketing and Web Search Positioning™ programs.

Specific digital media activities include:

Web Search Positioning
Web Search Positioning™ addresses the key communication challenge of today: How to be found more often, more quickly and by more of the people most interested in your services. A unique and proprietary behavior-based methodology, our Web Search Positioning™ expertise has been employed by both global institutions and small businesses and has achieved sustained traffic increases of more than 1,200 percent.  more

WebFocus™ Assessment
A detailed evaluation of the key elements that drive a web program's capacity to create value by furthering strategic objectives and by addressing the needs of users; The assessment provides the factual insights essential for redesign or continued refinement. Tailored to the stated objectives of the organization, the WebFocus™ Assessment's components include:
::   Audience + Content Assessment
::   User Data Analysis
::   Informational Transactions Audit
::   Findability / Search Positioning Assessment

Information Architecture
Detailed pre-development planning and diagramming of development stages and content requirements; Mapping of information structures and delivery technologies, user navigation scheme and programming and database interactions.

Content Development
Planning and creation of text and visual content; copywriting and editing for the web; language translation; photography and graphic imagery; direction of existing or internal content resources.

Interface Design & User Testing
Conceptual development and schematic planning and graphic development of user interfaces and navigational schemes for digital media; prototype user testing and analysis.

Online Relations / Partnering
Opportunity development and planning of online relationships including identification and contact of potential partners and sponsors, reciprocal promotion and linking opportunities, and creation of affinity group and distributed content programs.


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